There shall be a Chancellor of the University.
The Chancellor shall;
- Be the Head of the University and shall, in that capacity, in the name of the University, confer all degree and grant all diplomas, certificates and other awards of the University;
- Have the right, from time to time, to direct an inspection of the University or an inquiry into the teaching; research or any other activity carried out in or at the University;
- Have the power to arrange for a visitation of any part of the University in such manner as may be provided for in the Statutes;
- At any time visit the University and give such advice as he/she may consider necessary, to any such University authority as he may deem proper for the benefit of the University; and
- Enjoy such other powers and privileges and perform such other functions as may be provided from in the statutes
- In the absence of the Chancellor or if for any reason, she/he is unable to perform the functions of his office, the Vice-Chancellor shall deputise for the Chancellor during such absence or inability, as the case may be.