There shall be a Chancellor of the University.
The Chancellor shall;

  1. Be the Head of the University and shall, in that capacity, in the name of the University, confer all degree and grant all diplomas, certificates and other awards of the University;
  2. Have the right, from time to time, to direct an inspection of the University or an inquiry into the teaching; research or any other activity carried out in or at the University;
  3. Have the power to arrange for a visitation of any part of the University in such manner as may be provided for in the Statutes;
  4. At any time visit the University and give such advice as he/she may consider necessary, to any such University authority as he may deem proper for the benefit of the University; and
  5. Enjoy such other powers and privileges and perform such other functions as may be provided from in the statutes
  6. In the absence of the Chancellor or if for any reason, she/he is unable to perform the functions of his office, the Vice-Chancellor shall deputise for the Chancellor during such absence or inability, as the case may be.


Nile University is a Private University, with the aim of promoting quality education, academic excellence, professional practice, and integral growth and development.


A Center for quality education, and entergral growth and development

Contact Us

Nile University
P.O.BOX 1070, ARUA, Uganda.
Telephone 1: +256 476 421541
Telephone 2: +256 476 421542
Telephone 3: +256 476 421932


Nile University is located in Arua District in the North West of Uganda 5km from Arua on the Arua – Moyo road on a 32.1 acre piece of land.

The University is open to both male and female students.